Monday, September 17, 2007


Most currently an upsurge of protests sprang forth from the extremist Hindutva parties in India. This was provoked by statements saying there were no evidences to support the mythological epic of the Ramayana. The only possible "evidence" which supported the Ramayana story was the Adam's bridge which lies between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge was supposedly built by the armies of Ram when he was preparing to invade Sri Lanka. Scientific research showed that this "bridge" is actually a naturally developed long cluster of coral reefs and nothing more.

In recent years we have learned that Christianity is also not spared from these kinds of scientific allegations. An oxford professor by the name of Richard Dawkins authored the bestseller "The God Dellusion". In his book, Dawkins questions the beliefs of many religions; Christianity in particular, and the belief in God. Dawkins spreads his atheistic beliefs with missionary zeal among Christians, telling them how deceived they are in their faith.

Similarly another man, Sir William M. Ramsey, wanted to prove the historical inaccuracy of the book of Acts and the Christian faith altogether. He travelled Asia Minor as an archaeologist and began his research to discredit Luke - the writer of Acts. Finally his research ended and he came to the conclusion - that Luke made not one single historical or geographical error in his book. This surprised Sir William Ramsey and caused him to convert to Christianity. He has written some outstanding books on Christianity and the journeys of Paul the apostle. The message should be made clear to scientists and sceptics who think that the Bible is scientifically contradictory. The example of Sir William Ramsey can be told or the fact that Luke, in his gospel, used more medical terms than Hippocrates - the father of medicine.