Monday, October 8, 2007


For an Indian, the thought of converting to Christianity often means the loss of identity. Being in Christ, for an Hindu, often means giving away the very things that makes him/her Indian. The Roman Catholic churches of India have modelled itself after the churches of western countries. Catholicism is one vivid example of how man-made religious institutions have trouble blending into different cultures. The canons, decrees, bulls, blessings and cursings of Catholicism are all in Latin.

It is because of these examples of the Roman Catholic religion that Indians are given the impression of Christ as a foreign God.

True Christianity of the Bible is indeed universal. The religion was picked up at first, among the gentiles, by the pagan Greeks and Romans. The apostle Paul did well in interpreting the Gospel to the Greeks in a contextual way (Acts 17:18-34). In Christianity one does not need to use Arabic, Latin, Greek or Sanskrit during prayer or reading the Scriptures. He/she can use any language in interpreting God's word. Likewise a Christian is never told to exhibit certain types of dresses, hairstyles, eating habits, etc. Christians have a responsibility of preaching Christ as the universal redeemer of all. In Acts chapter 2 people from various races and cultures repented and were baptized into Christ. In the Lord's church of the first century there was a common bond existing between the believers. The common bond is that all Christians worship the same divine Father and the same Savior. The Holy Spirit dwells in us regardless of our skin, tongues, etc.

In the entire canon of the New Testament not one racial or cultural barrier is given as qualifications for becoming a believer. Jesus Himself freely interacted with Samaritans and Romans despite the blunt arrogance of the Jewish priestly order. Jesus once gave a parable to the Jews - the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) - telling them to love their neighbours despite their cultural and religious differences.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Great article. I'd like to see you do more on this, Surit. For example, show how (except for ROMAN Catholics), no one can be born as a true Christian because we all have to be born again or born of above. So, I'd like to have you show how Indian culture is unmolested when one becomes a Christian.
