Friday, November 23, 2007


The following article was written by my brother Sumit Dasgupta.

Now there have been movies which blaspheme the name of Jesus. First it was Dan Brown's "The Da Vince Code" which show Jesus that he married Mary Magdalene and had descendants who are scattered in Europe. Then Harry Potter which promotes witchcraft is nowadays becoming more popular among young children. Then there's also rumors that the bones of Jesus have been found, but they were proved false later. Now a new movie is being released that claims Jesus travelled to India during the missing years of the Gospel (when Jesus was aged between 13 to 30). It shows that he learned many principals of Christianity from the Buddhists, etc. This movie is directed by Drew Heriot. Would anyone explain just how he found out about Jesus' travels to India? It seems he cooked up the story (most obviously). Anyway, nowadays most Hollywood movies are truly degrading Christianity's name by such false ideas about Christ. We should all keep in our prayers that Hollywood stops promoting such false images of Christ and help this generation to acknowledge true Christianity of the Bible.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading your posts, brother. My name is Erik and I live in Oklahoma City, USA. I write for The Christian Chronicle, a newspaper for Churches of Christ. I found out about your blog through an e-mail from Craig Phillips. Could you send me an e-mail sometime? I'd love to stay in touch with you about your work. My address is Thanks again! -- Erik
