Sunday, April 29, 2012

The President

When you enter the assembly places of many denominations and churches of Christ you will see a person occasionally 'calling' people up to the pulpit to pray, sing and preach. This person is often seated away from the assembly or near the pulpit. He is the 'director' or the 'presider'. He is equivalent to the 'master of ceremonies' of the secular world. He is the president, when you look at him you can read the words on his face that says: "I call the shots around here so don't get in my way or you suffer the consequences... my consequences."

My Dorling Kindersley dictionary says that the president is: head of the republic, society, college, public corporation etc. Strange, first of all I thought the church was a kingdom under the kingship of Lord Jesus Christ. The church isn't a republic, it certainly isn't a democracy, where the members have power to elect or appoint substitute 'heads' over them. The headship of Christ over the church is absolute. Looking at these things, I am amazed at how the simplest inventions of man can radically alter organic structure of Christ's body.

In the Old Testament God did appoint priests over the assembly of Israel, but sadly this doesn't justify the inclusion of presidents in the New Testament assembly.

But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light... (1 Peter 2:9, New American Standard Bible)

When Peter said these words, he didn't address them to any appointed official but towards entire congregations (1 Peter 1.1). It is imperative that we "the called out" maintain the headship of Christ, even in our assemblies. I think Christ has enough power to preside over his congregations than any mere mortal. All we need to do is to trust him. Are you willing to trust Christ as your Presider?


  1. Dear brother Surit...Thanks for the wonderful Article. the president, or Presider or master of ceremony which practices by the modern Churches today came into existence only third or fourth century by pagans who brought this culture into the Church, New Testament is silent on this issue. Thanks brother for bringing up this issue, CHRIST IS THE SUPREMACY IN ALL AND ALL.

  2. Dear Surit, this is the burden of my heart, too, that Christ may be restored as the Head of His Church, so when He comes, He would find a Bride prepared for Him! Do you think I could use your article and translate it so that I may post it on my blog (of course, with refrence to the author)? I would also like to translate some of what you wrote here:
    May the Lord bless you!

    1. Sure. You're free to translate any material you want. God bless you too!

  3. Dear Surit,
    This has triggered me a thought that I do not know what to say of: Seminars for people to be Pastors. In the Church, it is the pastor who "commands" because it is thought he has the wisdom to do so since he has been prepared by the Seminary. It is good that such things exist to prepare missionaries to go to foreign countries and leaders, but nowadays anyone can be part of the Seminar, not only the chosen ones by God. I have come to know various people with the title of being "pastors" that do not do God's will or listen to the Holy Spirit. But they are given these titles and therefore power in the Church because they have the Certificate of the seminar. Maybe the problem starts over there, rather than only by this doctrine that has been put upon us.

    1. Dear Gabriela,
      Consider this, the Seminar is derived from the secular world and are institutional in nature. The church on the other hand functions in an organic way, that is why it is known as 'the body of Christ'. Look closely at the Book of Acts and the letters in the New Testament. Notice that there were no programs or seminaries for Pastors in training. Everything in the Apostolic church functioned spontaneously, while today's churches focus more on mechanical institutionalism created by man. On one hand, you have a Pastor training under a fallible system devised by humans. On the other hand, an approach of a father to a son rather than that of a professor to a trainee may be more effective in training future Pastors. Remember that the church is a family.
