Thursday, July 4, 2013

Struck Down, but not Destroyed

The following article is written by Sheila Scott. Sheila is a dear friend of mine, she has been through some of the most testing moments in her life. What she writes below is very encouraging for those going through tough times. I pray that this article will be a blessing in the midst of the storm for many.
Sheila can be reached via email at scottblessed44 [at] gmail [dot] com.

"We are hard- pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed."
2 Corinthians 4: 8-9

Have you ever had one of those days, weeks, or even months when it felt like everything and everyone was against you? Have you had your mind, body, and spirit all broken at once?

Well over 2000 years ago Jesus our Christ, stood nailed to a cross, arrested because He had been betrayed, broken because He had been beaten, and abandoned because He had been forsaken. But was He destroyed? Absolutely not! The final victory was and IS, HIS! When He died and shed His precious blood on that cross, the victory was also ours. Salvation became possible for all who believes. No longer does Satan have any power over us, because he was defeated on the cross. Our victory was signed, sealed and delivered when our Lord Jesus rose from His grave three days later!

So although we do have days when we are betrayed by friends or family; although we do have weeks when we are beaten up mentally and physically by this world’s pressures and problems; although we are forsaken by those we love the most, we can be victorious. Jesus overcame and so can we.

We have our beloved helper, the HOLY SPIRIT who dwells within us to give us strength; we have our Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Abba Father who loves us without condition to pray to and ask for and receive guidance. How can we lose? We can't!! Remember, we already have the victory!!! We only need to tap into the resources God has given us.

So my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we get struck down, but we are not destroyed! Jesus made it possible for us to be healed. Our body, our minds and hearts will be mended. We are a truly blessed people; we are well taken care of, and most importantly, WE ARE LOVED!!!

JOHN 13: 18-30
LUKE 22: 63-65
MARK 15: 33-34
MATTHEW 28: 1-8
JOHN 14: 15-18
PSALM 32: 8, JOHN 16: 13
ISAIAH 53: 5
JOHN 3: 16

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